welcome to the sanctuary, in this section, the nethergrounds unleashes a secluded mystical world called everfall, a world
where everything is shrouded with mystery and myth... err... or something =P just playin with 100% imagination here. all
of the terragen images found in this section were cross-modified with photoshop

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p r i m o r d i a l

(early june 2003)

a grandeur display of fear, the primordial lakes of southern ravenhiem looks mystically evil filled with bitterness and dispair as the twilight sun starts to re-emerge from the blood soaked skies.

w r a i t h l i g h t s

(late may 2003)

the wraithmists is a short lived phenomena wich takes place during dawn at the very first day of winter-year. the mists would emit a strange glow as the atmosphere shifts light due to the sudden changes in humidity and wind direction. this scene was taken at the treacherous peaks of the hedgespires just before dawn.

f u r r o w s

(late june 2003)

the furrows, the marshlands that binds candlemarsh to the nothern mired- regions of everfall. the furrows is a wide swamp carpeted with lush moss and sundew ferns that spans from the marshbanks up to the foothills.

n y m p h e a u m

(early june 2003)

the mesmerizing glow of the nymphlights never seemed to fade out of age. this glowing phenomena is actually caused by the soft lights emitted by the magmatic flow underneath the fiery world of everfall.

w i n d b r e a k e r
p e a k s

(early june 2003)

the gentle tides of the eastern coast lines of windbreaker peaks happens to be one of the most known places found in everfall. lush vegetation, and abundant marine life is what that makes this place habitable.

d i s c o r d a n c e

(mid july 2003)

discordance ridge, one of the most hostile regions llocated on the rocky regions of southern tol' keep. the ridges that aged since the dawn of time and which spanned for nearly 200 miles serves as a borderland which separates the two major regions of the lower coast.



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