welcome to the sanctuary, in this section, the nethergrounds unleashes a secluded mystical world called everfall, a world
where everything is shrouded with mystery and myth... err... or something =P just playin with 100% imagination here. all
of the terragen images found in this section were cross-modified with photoshop

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i d l e f i r e

(early february 2003)

volcanic vents ablazed with searing flames
bursting out the hostile grounds of idlefire. the
mark of apocalypse has taken form as meteor showers filled the infernal skies invoking dread
and despair throughout the southeastern regions
of everfall.

r a v e n h e i m

(late march 2003)

the shallow lakes of ravenhiem gently shrouds itself beneath the soft crimson twilight as the sun crawls
back to its sleep. the gentle retreat of a peacefull
sundown is about to take place

c r a d l e m i s t

(late march 2003)

sails of dark storm clouds gathered over the
hallowed rivers of silence. surrounded with
enigma and myth, cradlemist continues to
age with time hidden only except to those of
us few who had witnessed its mysticism.

m i s l a r

(mid january 2003)

mesmerizing as it may look, the lakes of mislar
mirrors the majestic mountain ranges of eastern
the warm crimson sun has given off
enough light to awaken the soft alter-glow that
was bound across the horizon.

g r i m l i g h t

(mid february 2003)

everfall's lunar phenomena had everything
captured in a single brief moment of time. its
purple radiance flared and mystified life as it
gentle hues swept across the desolated lands.

c a n d l e m a r s h

(early february 2003)

knee deep of freezing swamp waters
blanketed the solemn wetlands of
candlemarsh. everfall has a great number
of shallow lands located in its southern
regions, candlemarsh happens to be the
most largest and the most serene

d e a d w i l l o w s

(mid january 2003)

deadwillows, the wetlands of south-eastern
everfall has always been a perfect location to witness the forged world's moonrise. everfall has
twin moons which are rarely seen to be in
junction. this image shows both of them in near alignment.

d u s k f e r n
s t e e p e

(mid january 2003)

this towering rock formation had witnessed so much change since the dawning of time. duskfern steepe
was the first region ever to have been discovered in
this new forged world called everfall.

l u n a r w a k e

(mid february 2003)

slumbering for ages, the ancient frozen peaks of
mt. lunarwake stands overlooking the stillness
of its reflection down the calm waters. the
chilling mists hallowed the tranquil waters as it
gently wades over its undisturbed surface.

n a r r o w g l a r e

(late march 2003)

the piercing light of a disturbing dawn yet
awakens the range of rock strewn mountains and
hills of narrowglare.

c r y f a l l

(mid february 2003)

located somewhere in the colder regions of
southern everfall, crywind lies still for ages.
Its barren mountain ranges seemed endless as shivering mists from over-ground consumed everything beneath its ridges and cliffs.

n e t h e r g a i l

(early april 2003)

the eerie storm clouds of everfall descends
creating fear and disturbance to almost everything beneath it. a glimpse of last light
penetrates through the clouds softly creating
an eerie glow.

b r i n e s t o n e
c o a s t

(mid january 2003)

gentle ocean breeze wading over the shallow searocks of brinestone. this landscape subjects itself towards euphoria and unexplained tranquility
as the lunar light provides a much solemn atmosphere.
a m b e r f a l l
(early june 2003)

the jagged coast lines of amberfall is situated just beneath the borders of brinestone coast. amberfall delivers a captivating burst of emotional mantra as one finds it way lost within its grounds.

a e t h e r p o o l

(mid may 2003)

a rare phenomena that takes place only once every 30 years, the aetherswirl or skypool has been one of the most spectacular sights one could witness here on everfall. the swirl manifests during the early hours of dusk, spans for about 200 kilometers and last for about a couple of hours till it dissipates.
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