this is the mind's eye gallery section where you are about to witness the world that was forged within my imagination.
all of these were created with terragen, a great three dimensional terrain generator created by matt fairclough.

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 revenant date created: july 2002
 revenant has been one of my favorite works so far, the purple sky looks perfect  along with this dark gloomy backdrop and the mist that wades just above the  lake  really sets an eerie mood.
 child of dreams date created: june 2002
 after generating a number of times trying to create the perfect landscape for a  withering light, I ended up with this one.
 fallen grace date created: june 2002
 an hour later, after finishing "child of dreams" I suddenly had the urge to create  another dreamscape. the result was unexpected as I never planned on my terrain  to look like this.
 griffin canyon date created: april 2002
 one of my early works in terragen, griffin canyon was inspired by an artwork done  by "alan rabinowitz" called "zuberi, golden feather" . I played on my imagination
 a bit trying to visualize on how it is to be in a place where such magnificent  mythical creatures onced ruled the skies.
 infernal tide date created: june 2002
 infernal tide was my first posted seascape, I admired on how the sunrays played  with reflection on this one. the bright burning crimson gently blends with the  horizon as it sets the skies on infernal fire.
 wyvern's ridge date created: july 2002
 I started generating this terrain just a few minutes after midnight, after trying to  create a wierd looking cloudscape over a tranquil lake, I managed to come up  with this scene, not much but still I was able to capture the image that was  formed within my mind
 warmth and shade date created: may 2002
 attempting to recreate the death of a grassplain, warmth and shade focuses on  the gentle terrain that waves over a barren horizon.
 arctic lake date created: may 2002
 soft gray toned skies, pale bluish horizon and icebergs floating the numbing  waters of an arctic lake. I really enjoyed generating this one.
 vale of loreian date created: june 2002
 vale of loreian displays a rocky terrain situated in a valley carpeted with mosses  and soft grass. I enjoyed on how the shadows played with the rocks scattered all  over the ground.
 cleansed date created: april 2002
 cleansed is one of those rare cases that usually happens when im generating a  new dreamscape without having a plan in mind. jagged white rocks scattered
 over clear waters under pale orange looking skies... heck! this is just one of
 those wierd looking terrains ive ever made.
 azure's rest date created: june 2002
 azure's rest features a lonely eccentric scenery of a rock strewn mountain side.  tempest has arrived from the distant horizon and storm is about to follow to  shroud this enchanted clearing.
 dying promise date created: june 2002
 rain has made it's mark and left this flooded hills to waste, the dark skies  seemed to have dissipated and a promise of renewal is about to take place.
 escape date created:december 2002
 I was on a mood of making another dark fantasy dreamscape. escape has a lot
 of dark elements on it. originally, escape was rendered in a crimson red  backdrop, but it looked too ordinary so I dominated the skies and the clouds with  darker shades of blue and make it a little bit more sadder and solemn.
secluded waters date created:january 2003
cool sparkling clear stream of water running down this strange, silence-evoking landscape. dreamy yet is still another odd addition to my collection of dark fantasy dramscapes.
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